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Back Y'all!

After you room with 2 pretty girls from Alabama for almost 5 days (Gmac and Jess...thanks for putting up with the snooring! HA!).......your bound to start saying Y'ALL! CHA in Anaheim was freakin' fab. Had an awesome time going to parties, meeting people, taking pics and chilling in Downtown Disney. Fun, FUN!

These are a few pics from the CHA'ness.

CHA was flooded with cool new stuff for your scrappin' needs. There was some major cute stuff to be had. Loved the new fontworks papers, tags and stamps. Loved the new big fancy pants stamps, loved the awesome Tres Jolie line from My Minds Eye, loved everything that Making Memories had, loved the huge photo corners from Heidi Swapp and basically all of her new stuff and the cutest had to be Elsie's new stuff. You can see everything I just posted about over at the Scrap ETC blog.

The Hambly booth rocked it out. Mr. Hambly was there chillin like a villian. Allison and crew did a fabu job getting the booth ready. It was super cool to see my Hambly Lovin' layouts there at the booth. Allison has got it going on. She's good people, I'm telling ya.

Jer and Monique filmed some cute little spots from Stacey Jullian, Kristina Contes, Jenni Bowlin and the creator of Memory Dock. The talked about what they will be doing at the Scrap ETC Event that is in less than 6 weeks people! OMG, it will be here before we know it. So extatic to be a part of that!

Ana Cabrera was such a riot! That chick is way cool. Were going to hook up soon and do the scrappin' throw down with Allison soon. Can't wait for that shizzzz!


I walked and walked and walked. I seriously think we clocked at least 10 miles walking from hotel to hotel for different events before the show on the first day I was there. That was even before the official doors even opened! My feet were wrecked........note to self, bring sneakers if your going to walk up and down streets of A'heim. My out of shape bootie was hating life. Seriously. We all walked our azzez off. Too bad most of mine is still there. lol

I also got to go to Scrapbook Oasis. It's a fabuous store with a ton of great goodies. Dropped some major duckets. We'll major for me was 50$! lol They already had alot of CHA goodies! Right ON!

Shout out to my girls Allison,Lisa, Celia, Angela, Toni(i can't wait to see those pics girl!) and Erin for being so cool to hang with!!!!

Smoches, cuz im such a bootie kisser... ;)
kiss, kiss and Peace out!


  1. sounds like you had a great time, you are so lucky! Thanks for showing us the pics.

  2. awesome awesome!!
    isn't Oasis great? that's my LSS...
    have a good one!

  3. OMG I'm so jealous!!! I so wanted to be there.... HOW incredible is it to meet Elsie!!! OMG I would die if I met her :D

  4. i'm bummed that i didn't see you!
    oh well.
    next time?

  5. CP, you are so fun. Love ya girl!

  6. Hey Girlie!

    Check out my blog!!! I posted some pics!

  7. Wahoo!! Sounds like you had a blast! I woulda been in scrap overload! Loved your pics and I am super jealous!

  8. Hey Christina! Glad you made it back home safe and sound. It was good to finally meet you and hang out at CHA! Fun times!! See you in March (and probably online between now and then:).

  9. Grrrr... I am kicking myself for not going to CHA. Oh well. Next year. Looks like my kinda wonderland.

  10. SO glad that you had fun! Who is that Hot guy in the pic? LOL


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