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My SO CAL Adventure

Well peeps, it's been a while since I updated you with my oh so exciting life......but unfortunately, last week I was informed that my Aunt had died. We left last Thursday for the services that were held in Santa Monica, CA. It was a sad goodbye. She lived a very long and exciting life, she was an entertainer. Tia Senida was a singer back in her hey-day, it was awesome to see all her old pictures and hear her music.

Even though it was a sad time, we celebrated the woman she was and the memories we will always have in our hearts and minds. I was able to reconnect with a lot of family that I had not seen in quite some time. Lots of hugs.

So guess where we stayed. Of all the places in Los Angeles and its surrounding cities, we stayed in this shady place called "The Trade Winds" in Inglewood right smack next to LAX. You know the song, "Inglewood, always up to no good?" Yeah, that Inglewood. All we heard all night was sirens and jets landing and taking off. Lovley. We let some cousins make arrangements and thought we were staying at the Marriott. Guess not. HA! Oh well, we made the best of it and I slept over the covers. Oh heck yes I did.

We stayed there only one night and were out of there in the AM for sure!!!! I couldn't hang there more than about 15 hours. We ended up the Marriott in Marina Del Rey. Now that's what I'm talking about! The reception after the funeral was held there and it was sooooooooooooo nice. I have a couple of pictures from the top floor of our room that you guys can check out.

We drove around LA went to the Beverly Center, drove down Robertson Blvd to Sunset. I was always on the lookout for a celeb like a total dork. I swore I saw Lindsay Lohan eating at the Ivy but nope, a total lookalike. HA! I gotta say that LA has the most BMW's and Mercedes Benz driving down the roads than any other city in the world. I swear every other car was a Beamer or a benzo. CA-RAZY! I felt so inferior driving in my Nissan Murano. Whatever!

We also went to LA's Fashion District. Sounds quite Houte couture, right? OH MY GOD, no. I will never go there again. Too many people down an alley selling the same knockoff LV purses. OH HELLS NO! I did find a cool store that I got some more Swarovsky crystals to have on hand to re-bling my cell phone if necessary though. I did get a few cool necklaces during our trip down the alley. It was an experience.

I will be leaving next Wednesday to 'BAMA for the SCRAP ETC EVENT!!!!! I'm super pumped to see all the Scrap Etc "it" girls, my fellow Blue Crew gals, all the Jazzers and Peas that are coming and meeting the fabulous instructors!!!!!!!

SUPER SUPER EXCITED!!! See you there!!!

Check out this decor piece that I added hooks to for all my necklaces and earrings, new and old! Coolness!



  1. sorry about your aunt, girl....:(

    *gotta love them districts!!! ahhhhh!!! so NOT what you thought, huh?!*

  2. Your trip sounds fun, despite the sadness of your loss (Hugs!). You had me LMAO about 'Inglewood up to no good' and blinging out! You girls are all so pretty! E was looking over my shoulder and was like...who are they?!

  3. so sorry to hear about your aunt. laughing about your experience in the garment district... never been there, but i've heard its an 'experience' ;o)

  4. That is thee coolest, and I do mean COOLEST, piece for your jewels!

    I agree with are all so purdy! :)

    Hugs and my thoughts to you CP!



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