This is Christina's brain on TwiCrack. This is total fricken hilarity. I had no idea a series of books would lead to this shit. Everyday it is on the brain. Srsly. Besides my loving little family, this is getting out of hand and taking up most of my day. Blogging, reading side hurting twitastic blogs, thinking, daydreaming, looking at the mag rags, talking about it with coworkers and friends, posting Shadesward pics here and on Facebook, looking at you tube trailers, fan made trailers and fan made Robward videos, connecting everything in my daily life to the TwiSaga. It is sick, sick i tell you. I felt like a total Twicrack dealer the other day at work when two coworkers said, "I heard you have New Moon footage on your iPhone." And like two strung out crack heads, I watched them while the Icrack illuminated their crazy fan satisfied grins. I bet I could have charged them and they would gladly paid up. Real talk. Crazy. I'm not proud. but waaaaaaaaaay still into it...