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Showing posts from April, 2008

Hey, Money!

Mista Jay, Mista Jay. This is from a Comcast commmercial, so stuck in my head. Along with the Comcast singing commerical. Jaden sings along with it everytime it comes on and plays air guitar. Super funny. He says that it "freaks him up"......he means cracks him up. lol Crashed a ATC party yesterday locally. It was fun to see alot of my local sb's been quite a while. Maria Hammon was there and she took these pictures of Aubrielle. P.S. I chopped off alot of my hair. It's even grown out abit in the last month and a half since I had it cut. It was sooooooooooooo long, I kinda miss it, but this is way more managable. Dude, I was sick of it. Too long, almost up down to my bootie. It will grow back, no biggie. TTYL! cp
been gone from blogging since like, forever. missing it like, majorly. my hand is killing me as i type this. my right hand fingers are severly and painfully numb. always knew i had carpel tunnel (i have no idea how to spell that). my fingers went numb at the beginning of March.....progressivly getting worse. went to DR. got the diagnosis for it. wearing brace and told to not use right hand as much as possible. yeah right. strained it by carrying babys carrier (car seat)...and taking in and out of large SUV. 2 kids and a house to keep up. not going to be easy. very hard to "take it easy" will be starting thearapy very soon. this numbness has to go away, it's horrible. hard to even write, put make up on, basically everything. now left hand is beginnig to hurt at wrist. sigh. on a lighter note... aubrielle is getting bigger by the day. 6 months old as of yesterday. has 2 teeth! Reality TV check. David Cook or David Archuletta will win AI. you bet im still watching. Perry wil...