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Showing posts from October, 2005

Spiderman.....sad witch......and a Happy Cowboy!

Here are some of the pictures from Jaden's BdayParty last weekend....I'm not in one shot either. The Spiderman Jumphouse that I thought was so hilarous is not so hilarious now. I hope you get what I mean about being "happy to see me!" OOooh to day is Making the Band! Be sure to check back to get my random thoughts on it. Ok, that sounded retarded. Ha! I crack me up! :) Enjoy! Happy Scrappin'!! CP OUT!

Jaden's Bday Party........ & Random Stuff

Jaden’s Party So all week the weather was beautiful here, warm and sunny…just breathtaking. Then Saturday rolls around and guess what kind of weather we had for Jaden’s outside birthday party? Cold, overcast, nasty grey skies. We did make the best of it and the party was still fun! We had a Spider-Man Jumphouse……..Jaden liked to look at it and say “batman”, but wanted nothing to do with it! The other children enjoyed it though so I got my money’s worth I guess! Since it was a costume/birthday party Jaden was dressed as Woody from Toy Story…he looked adorable! (Big thanks to Tara Daigle for hooking me up! You rawk girl!) Some of the other costumes included Princess Jasmine, Minnie Mouse, fairies, witches, ninjas, some Incredibles, cheerleaders, soldiers and even Freddy Krueger! I’m very saddened to say that I didn’t take a lot of pictures. What kind of scrapper am I? I was so busy with the hostess part that I just couldn’t do it all! The husband was with the “GUYS” being well a guy and

Making the Band 3

Who is watching this with me?? I hated the 1st season of Making the Band………didn’t care for the music and all those whiners and fighters. I’d rather watch the chicks on Making the Band 3! I’m loving the tension that the 3 girls picked from last season are dealing with as they continue to compete (which sucks cuz they did it once already) to get a spot on Diddy’s Band. Even though it’s not really a band, since none of these broads actually play an instrument! Out of the three girls from last season, but I really don’t dig Malika. In my opinion she doesn’t sing that well and she’s a bit “old”…I now I shouldn’t be saying that, but she is not 21 or even 25…….the girl is over 30. I have a feeling she is going to be cut soon. Looking forward to see who actually makes it and what Diddy, formerly P. Diddy, formerly Puff Daddy, formerly Shawn Comes does to them. Can that guy pick one name and stick to it? Anyway back to the topic at hand……. let’s hope he doesn’t make this round of girls walk ove

Spunk.......Urban Lily

A layout on my spunky little niece Demi. Using the cool Urban Lily Paper, delish soup letters, Doodlebug rubons in that fun font, some ribbon threading and bows........and some fabric covered buttons. Ya know that extra package of buttons that comes in a little baggie when you buy clothes? Hello!!!!! Perfect embellie!! Worked out great! :) I'm so stoked to have some of my layouts at the Urban Lily website ! You can check them out here in the Guest Gallery ! :) Looking forward to their fab new die cut flowers and funky Urban Alphas! I'm lovin' it! :) Have a great weekend! cp out

40 Random Questions

40 Random Questions [1] When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside? mmmmmmmmmm...never. [2] When was the last time you saw one of your parents? Today. Dinner with Mom at Applebee's. [3] Which family member do you most resemble? Mom. [4] Do you wear cologne/perfume? Yes. Today I have on Breathless by Victoria Secret. Sexy fragrance. [5] Do you wear deodorant? ::lifts arm:: Sniff, sniff. Just making, everyday! [6] Do you clean up nice? I like to think so. [7] When was the last time you tripped and fell? Since I'm accident can be a daily activity for me. I fell just the other day in my backyard. Dunce. [8] Where was the last place you slept besides your home? 2 weeks ago.......I slept at my sisters new house in Modesto, CA. Props to my niece Natalia for always giving up her bed for us! Much love! [9] What are you listening to right now? The husband watching "The Best Damn Sports Show." Fun. Fun. ::smirk:: [10] Have you ever


Get your milk jar ready ladies and put your bib on, cuz you're going to drool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out all this amazing stuff that my girl, Monique McLean found at Memory Trends ! She just updated her blog and her store is going to carry all this too die for Merchandise from Heidi rubons, the mini iorn, new chipboard shapes, mini masks, rubon corners....and HEIDI SWAPP LIP GLOSS!!!!!!!! Hello!!! Attention Ki SOUP lovers. Um, you guys are gonna want these new delicious ki soup letters!! Pink! Neon Green! Need i say more? I'm so going to go broke when this stuff comes out. This picture is courtesy of Monique.........sorry girl, i had to steal it from ya!!

Jaden's Invites.......Laguna Beach

The Party Invites These are the invitations I created for Jaden's Halloween themed birthday Party. You can't tell from the photo, but they are on lolipop sticks! They are a bit different and I had fun making them for my baby's party. I'm sure these will be a hit with the kids! :) Laguna Beach Disclaimer: If you don't watch Laguna, you will have no idea what I am talking about. Why in the heck is a 31 year old woman watching teenagers and thier DRAMA on TV? I have no idea but Laguna Beach has become one of my most guilty pleasures. Is it the hot teenage guys, the bitchy girls and catfights or the luxury that they live in?................mmmmmm.........I think a bit of all of it! The following is random thoughts about tonights show: Who goes to prom in a summer dress? I mean prom back in my day.......let me paint you a picture.....Big Dress, lots of sequins, lots of updo's, heels, braces and let's not forget the dorky date with a flower wrist band in a plasic


I was at Target yesterday, looking through all the cool scrapbook stuff...lots of cool new Marcella by Kay stuff...........but I was good and didn't buy anything! I can't belive it! Saw an old friend in the scrapbooking isle and we talked about scrapping, old was cool. While checking out the CD section, I came a cross a cd entitled Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield . She has this really fun song called "These words" right now that has a really cool hook/sound. So I got in my car and put the cd, after I tangled and fought with the darn plastic packaging........I finally got it open and instantly loved this song called Unwritten........check out these lyrics. I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined. I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned. Staring at the blank page before you. Open up the dirty window......Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.......Reaching for something in the distance.....

Missing My Baby

For those of you who have children that are in daycare.............don't you miss them profusely while you are at work? I'm missing my little boy right now. Missing that little person who says "Mom, Mooooooooooooom, MOoooooooooooooooOOOm" as he tries to get my attention. Until finally I look directly in his big brown eyes and say "yes, baby?" I miss the random kisses he gives me on my hand and the hugs that make me want to stay that way forever. He's almost two. We will be celebrating his second birthday in 20 days. We have been blessed with this little marvelous child and boy, it has gone by entirely too fast, too soon. My son will be a teenager before I know it. Until then, I'll keep him close and ask him as I do everyday, "can I tickle you Jaden?" He erupts in laughter and tries to say "no, Mamma!" in between giggles as I tickle his cute little round tummy. He normally at daycare 5 days a week.....and here I am, trying to make

New Baby...Projects....Birthdays

Baby Austin Arrived! I totally forgot share the news about this sweet new life in our family we have been blessed with! My Sister in law Fallon, gave birth to a healthy 8 lb., 22 inch boy named Austin Harley last week! This little guy is all legs! His mother is almost 6 feet tall, so it's a given that this baby is gonna as tall as his proud new Uncle David! Here's a pic of my son Jaden holding him for the first time. Jaden says Baby Autin. So cute! Check out Jaden's rooster hairdo....that kid needs a haircut soooooooooooo badddd! Projects Here are some sweet cards I made with the October "Orange Appeal" Kit from Leaving Memories. The Sassafrasslass paper is so cute! It totally reminds me of the Partrige Family! I added the ribbon, *New Doodlebug* flowers and rubons from my stash! Worked out perfectly! Memory Trends News So the big scrapbooking trade show called Memory Trends will be this weekend in Las Vegas and your's truly has 10 layouts/projects that will

Mariachi.......and Apples?

Mariachis and Apples......that was my weekend. I know it makes for a wierd blog entry but that's what I encountered this weekend. My Mother asked me if I could drive her to Modesto to attend this Mariachi Fesival thing. I was a good daughter and said yes. It was boring and everything you would expect, ya'know lots of moustached mariachis playing trumpets and guitars. Good thing was that my nephew and his totally-out-of-her-mind-crazy-cool funny girlfriend Shelly was there. She made it are some snaps I took of us, the black and white one is entirely too close but what they hey. With the whole Mariachi theme, they had mini hats on the table arrangements and Crazy Shelly took them off to put on our heads! The next day my family was heade d to visit an apple orchard, which according to them, it was "only one hour away." Uh, more like 2 and a half! I was getting seriously peeved when it seemed like we had been driving miles upon miles...gezz we might as well