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New Baby...Projects....Birthdays

Baby Austin Arrived!

I totally forgot share the news about this sweet new life in our family we have been blessed with!

My Sister in law Fallon, gave birth to a healthy 8 lb., 22 inch boy named Austin Harley last week! This little guy is all legs! His mother is almost 6 feet tall, so it's a given that this baby is gonna as tall as his proud new Uncle David!

Here's a pic of my son Jaden holding him for the first time. Jaden says Baby Autin. So cute! Check out Jaden's rooster hairdo....that kid needs a haircut soooooooooooo badddd!


Here are some sweet cards I made with the October "Orange Appeal" Kit from Leaving Memories. The Sassafrasslass paper is so cute! It totally reminds me of the Partrige Family! I added the ribbon, *New Doodlebug* flowers and rubons from my stash! Worked out perfectly!

Memory Trends News

So the big scrapbooking trade show called Memory Trends will be this weekend in Las Vegas and your's truly has 10 layouts/projects that will be on display for the Zsiage booth! I'm so stoked! Wish I could be there! Maybe next year!

Jaden's Birthday

I have been working on my son's birthday invites. I decided to make huge lollipop invitations. I got orange cardstock, cut it in a about a 5" circle, inked the edges in black, stamped it with a jack-o-lantern foam stamp with black paint, added a 12" piece dowel for the stick, typed up the party info on the back......yep theres more.......then used a clear plastic bag to cover the "lolipop" and finished it off with black and orange curling ribbon. Oh and a tag that I inked and stamped "spooky party."

Very cool!


  1. Ooooh congrats on being an aunt girl!!! SO precious and you're right, all legs LOL!!!!

  2. Congratulations auntie!!! Gorgeous photos :D Congrats on the Memory Trends displays too!

  3. You have been busy. All your projects and your everyday life, How do you manage to scrap? You go girl.

  4. Another new baby!! How fun...congrats on the new nephew :)I wish I could see all the awesome stuff that'll be at MT. Who knows when I'll ever get to a trade show, but it sounds like fun!

  5. Congrats on the new little one in your family! I can't wait to see Jaden's invites!


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